
LOGO! – the compact controller with a cloud interface

LOGO! is compact, clever, and flexible, and now also comes with a direct line to the Cloud. It couldn’t be easier. Enjoy an even wider range of potential applications and uses, with the same versatility and ease of programming. 

LOGO! with Cloud connection offers additional added value

LOGO! is easy and flexible to use. A Cloud connection turns unimagined new possibilities into reality.


The range of possible applications for LOGO! are more versatile than ever: With its new Cloud functionality it gives you access to the Internet of Things (IoT) and enables new business models like predictive maintenance and power data monitoring. This new communications interface offers you additional possibilities you could never have imagined.

Easy and future-proof

A wizard guides you through the process of connecting LOGO! to the Cloud and creating dashboards using the LOGO! Web Editor (LWE) to control and analyze data. Getting started is a piece of cake thanks to intuitive engineering software, starter kits, and free web-based training sessions. The downward compatibility ensures that even older LOGO!s can be programmed with the latest software.


With the new version of LOGO! you can expand existing applications to include Cloud functionality and move your web server to the Cloud, for example. You can network up to eight base modules with each other, or with SIMATIC controllers and HMI. LOGO! can be expanded further using,  expansion module and, communications modules, etc.


85/2, 85/3  Soi Sot Phin San,
Rang Nam Road, Rajthevee,
Bangkok 10400 Thailand

Tel : 0-2624-6700 

Fax : 0-2642-4250

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E-mail : fafi-sales@ie.co.th